It is with sadness that the Club advises the recent passing of Lou Tardini.

Lou was a very popular player during Club’s golden era of the 1990’s.

He came to the Club in 1992 and played for 6 seasons during which he

featured in 63 games with all of the four senior teams taking 109 wickets

at an average of 17.08 as an opening bowler with best figures of 5 for 16.

In the 1993/4 season Lou won the Second eleven bowling award with

26 wickets as well as taking out the Association’s Third grade bowling trophies.

He was a member of the 2ndX1 Runners up team under David Smith’s

leadership alongside his good friend Matt Van Eck and a youthful Clint Semmel.

In 1995/6 season Lou with 25 wickets was second in the Thirds bowling award

and the following season took out the SecondX1 bowling average with 18 wickets.

Vale Lou Tardini a great cricketer and bloke.