Congratulations to Ricky Alabaster in becoming the Cougars 23rd Life Member

Ricky Alabaster commenced playing with the Club as an Under 12
in 2001/2 and has been heavily involved for 23 seasons ,playing
7 years in the Junior ranks and 20 with the seniors.

Ricky has served on the committee for 12 seasons performing
a range of roles including 4 years as Deputy President.

In recognition of his dedication to the Club he has been awarded
The Mark Hughes Memorial Award as best clubman on 3 occasions
and was a Junior Coach for 3 seasons.

As a junior player he was in 2 Premierships, Captaining probably
the best ever junior side ,the Under 17’s of 2007/8.

In Senior ranks Ricky was Captain of the 1st Eleven for 2 seasons
and Vice Captain in last seasons Firsts premiership team.

Ricky has played just over 200 senior games and taken 300 wickets
to place him in the top 10 for Club games and wickets taken.

He has won 4 bowling awards and 2 Association awards including
his memorable 9 for 32.